Explore our smile enhancement before and after photos to discover what can be achieved with smile enhancement procedures.
These before and after photos illustrate the results that were achieved for these patients. Your own treatment will be tailored to your needs and may require different procedures. Contact Preventive Dentistry to learn more about how we can redesign your smile.
Invisalign Teeth Straightening, Home Whitening, and Porcelain Veneers

Melanie had always hated her teeth, and she never smiled properly because she wanted to hide them. She was referred by another dentist to see Dr Ann to fix her smile.

Melanie's journey started with a course of Invisalign to minimise the gap between her front teeth. This was followed by home whitening and porcelain veneers. Melanie now has a beaming wide smile that perfectly matches her outgoing personality.
Dental Whitening, Porcelain Veneers, and Ceramic Crowns

Denise lost her lateral incisor due to a fractured root. She also had several old, stained and chipping composite resin restorations on her front teeth, which had bothered her for some time. The first step of Denise’s treatment involved placing a dental implant to replace the root of her missing tooth.

Denise’s smile was improved by a combination of whitening, porcelain veneers and ceramic crowns. All these restorations look and feel like natural teeth. Denise says that if she knew her teeth could look this good, she would have done this earlier.
Replacement of Old Fillings and Teeth Straightened with Crowns and Veneers

Linda wanted to improve the overall appearance of her smile. She had a few old crowns with margins that were visible, and her teeth were stained, irregular and of different lengths.

Linda’s treatment involved changing the old amalgam fillings on her back teeth to composite resin fillings, teeth whitening, and placement of porcelain veneers, and ceramic crowns. Linda chose to keep a small gap between her two front teeth as this was a characteristic she liked about her teeth.
Invisalign Teeth Straightening, Whitening, and Ceramic Crowns

Due to his bite, Neil had experienced a gradual breakdown of his front teeth with numerous unsuccessful attempts to ‘patch up’ the teeth. Neil made the decision to correct his bite and rectify the problem with definitive restorations.

Neil’s front teeth were moved to a more ideal position using just five months of Invisalign, his teeth were whitened and ceramic crowns placed on the four upper incisor teeth. Note the natural contours and subtle characteristics that make the crowns look more natural for his age.
Porcelain Veneers, Dental Bridge and Crowns

Margaret had a dental phobia in her youth which led to the loss of multiple back teeth. She hated her smile and couldn’t chew. After years of being a patient at our practice she gained the confidence to undertake the major rehabilitation she desperately needed. Margaret declined minor orthodontic treatment before the restorations which would have led to a better result.
Fillings, Porcelain Fused to Gold Crowns, and a Porcelain Veneer

Carol, a nurse in her late 50s, had been referred to us by her periodontist (gum specialist). He felt that better quality restorations would make it easier for Carol to keep her teeth and gums healthy and clean.

Carol's treatment consisted of placing a few fillings, whitening, two porcelain fused to gold crowns on her back teeth, four ceramic crowns on her upper front teeth, and a porcelain veneer over a lower front tooth. Carol chose to have this treatment done gradually over a period of about two years. At the end of treatment, Carol noticed an improvement in her overall well-being as a result of having a cleaner, healthier mouth.
Whitening, Composite Bonding, Gum Recontouring, Porcelain Veneers, Dental Crown

Zara had old yellowing composite resin bonding on her four upper and four lower front teeth.

We removed the composite resin from the lower teeth and started with a course of home whitening to lighten all the teeth. New composite resin bonding was placed on the lower front teeth. Zara then had gum recontouring at the upper right lateral incisor, the old composite resins removed from her upper front teeth, and premium porcelain veneers and a crown placed. The process involved extensive planning, mock-ups and try-ins of the new porcelain restorations to ensure the ideal shape, shade and translucency for Zara. Zara loves her new teeth, she says they look and feel natural and are just how she wanted them.