Explore our dental bonding before and after photos to discover what can be achieved with high-quality dental bonding.
These dental bonding before and after photos illustrate the results that were achieved for these patients. Your own treatment will be tailored to your needs and may require different procedures. Contact Preventive Dentistry to learn more about how we can restore your smile.
Correction of misshapen teeth
Natalie is a young lady who wanted to correct the shape of her upper front teeth which were "barrel-shaped".
The teeth were bonded with composite resin to achieve a more natural shape. Natalie is very pleased with the results and reports she has gained confidence from the improvement of her teeth.
Improving the colour of teeth and fillings with dental bonding
Peter was unhappy with the yellowing of his teeth and the old composite resin bonding on his upper lateral incisors. Dr Ann's assessment was the current composite resin bonding was the wrong shape - making them look unnatural.
Peter had his teeth thoroughly cleaned and polished by one of our dental hygienists. He had a course of at-home teeth whitening, then new composite resin bonding was placed on the upper lateral incisors.
Reshaping Of Malformed Teeth With Dental Bonding
17-year-old Brad had naturally malformed incisor teeth and was extremely self-conscious about his smile.
Composite resin material was built up onto the four incisor teeth without any damage to the natural tooth structure. The treatment required one short appointment for study models and planning, and a 1 hour 30 minute appointment to place the composite resin. Brad plans to have crowns and veneers placed as long term solutions after 5 years or so.
Diastema (gap or space) closure
Composite Resin Bonding To Widen A Tooth And Close A Gap
Elizabeth hated the gap between her teeth and it had always bothered her in photos. After being presented with the options of composite resin bonding or a porcelain veneer, she chose to have bonding.
The lateral incisor was bonded with composite resin to widen the tooth and close the gap.
Repair of fractured tooth
Emergency Repair Of A Fractured Tooth
22-year-old Kara fractured her front tooth playing sports without a mouthguard. She was seen urgently to minimise the damage to her tooth.
Composite resin filling material was used to rebuild the missing section of tooth. This treatment only required one 45 minute appointment
Emergency repair of a fractured tooth
This patient fell off her pushbike and fractured her upper front tooth. She called us and was seen promptly the same afternoon to repair the tooth.
Melissa was very thankful that we were able to put her back together again.
Replacement of Stained Fillings
Old composite resin fillings on Felicity's two upper front teeth had become stained and yellow, making them very noticeable.
We replaced these with new composite resin which was closely matched to Felicity's tooth shade, making the restorations almost invisible.
Lengthening of small and short teeth
Tahlia sought treatment as she was unhappy with the size and shape of her front teeth. They were small with eroded surfaces which made them look grey, and she felt her teeth did not show enough when she smiled.
We lengthened and reshaped her upper and lower front teeth with composite resin veneers. We were able to achieve a lighter shade for her teeth and a fuller-looking smile.
Repair of fractured tooth

This young man was involved in an unfortunate incident of assault which resulted in a fractured upper right central incisor.

The fractured portion of the tooth was carefully rebuilt using layers of composite resin in various shades and opacities. Dr Ann also replicated the white specks present in the natural teeth to achieve a harmonious blend and natural finish